Turmeric Spicy Popcorn

Spicy Tumeric Popcorn
Photo Credit: Byzantine Flowers

'Popcorn has received a bucketful of bad press in recent years—movie popcorn in particular—but a new study confirms that popcorn has some surprisingly good nutritional qualities.

We’ve known for some time that popcorn is an abundant source of fiber, and that it has some B vitamins and minerals such as manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorous. But now we’re learning its major benefits come from popcorn’s antioxidant properties.

A team of researchers from the University of Scranton (Pa.) ran a lab analysis on several types and brands of popcorn and found that popcorn’s crunchy hull is rich in polyphenols—antioxidants that prevent damage to human cells. Polyphenols are also believed to have disease-fighting properties.'


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