Why the Amish Rarely Get Sick: Things You Can Learn From Them

Photo Credit:http://www.lahealthyliving.com

'When we think of Amish people we think of a simple life, free of modern advancements. Most of us view them as foolish for not using the advantages of convenient technology and even look down on them for not conforming to the norms of mainstream society.  But if we look at the statistics, the Amish are much healthier than the rest of America. They virtually have no cancer, no autism, and rarely get sick. What are they doing different from the rest of America?  Let’s look at some of the things they are doing different (here).  

Why the Amish Don’t Get Sick

The Amish have chosen the traditional wisdom of our ancestors over our “modern” way of living. They live by the practices of past generations.' 


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