4 Natural Tips to keep your body on track during Daylight Savings Time


ED NOTE: Despite the fact that the author's mistake or typo says November 3rd is daylight savings time (it should be ENDS daylight savings time) there is good info within the article.
'Sunday, November 3 is daylight savings time, where people set their clocks back (remember the phrase: Spring forward, Fall back) one hour beginning at 2:00 am. While most of us are used to this, it’s not uncommon for many to frown upon the change, complaining of going to work and waking up in the dark.

Their complaints aren’t unwarranted. Disruption in light affects our internal clocks which in turn alters our sleep/wake cycles, or circadian rhythm. At the root of this cycle is melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate these cycles. With the onset of the time change in the fall, melatonin production starts earlier in the day, essentially throwing our bodies out of whack.'


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