End Cancer with the Budwig Protocol

Photo: End Cancer with the Budwig Protocol 'Do you think effective cancer treatment is yet to be discovered? That’s what the pharmaceutical industry and the pink ribbon folks would like you to think. But this is far from the truth. One of the least known but well-documented healing protocols for cancer was created by a German biochemist and physicist named Johanna Budwig in the 1950′s. It is simply known as The Budwig Protocol. Dr. Budwig was a leading authority on fats, oils and nutrition. She believed that cancer, as well as the vast majority of illnesses, was primarily caused by the improper processing of foods and oils, particularly the overheating or boiling of oils. Her patients were those so terminally ill that traditional medical practitioners had given up on them, with many having been given only days or hours to live. She treated these patients with a simple diet based on a combination of flaxseed oil and sulphurated protein in the form of quark, a German dairy cheese that resembles cottage cheese.' http://alignlife.com/articles/toxicity/end-cancer-with-the-budwig-protocol

'Do you think effective cancer treatment is yet to be discovered? That’s what the pharmaceutical industry and the pink ribbon folks would like you to think. But this is far from the truth. One of the least known but well-documented healing protocols for cancer was created by a German biochemist and physicist named Johanna Budwig in the 1950′s. It is simply known as The Budwig Protocol.'


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