Archive for March 2015

Is Junk Food Bad for Your Memory?
Photo Credit:Life Extension Blog

'Sure, junk food is bad for you, but can it actually impair your thinking? The answer appears to be yes, according to the results of a recent study.

To make a long story short, Australian scientists gave animals junk food and found that it negatively impacted their memory.
This just adds more truth to the saying, “You are what you eat.” And in this case, your brain is definitely no exception.

Junk Food Increases Brain Inflammation and Oxidative Stress'


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Honey - The Perfect Antibiotic Capable of Solving The Problem of Antibiotic Resistance


'Honey, one of the most incredible non-perishable foods that can kill almost every type of bacteria. It could also be one sweet solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, researchers said.

Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a topical dressing, but it could play a larger role in fighting infections, the researchers predicted. Their study was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society.'


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Big Pharma Blocking Feds From Legalizing Marijuana?


'While most of America is still struggling to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes, a handful of large pharmaceutical companies are already generating a substantial amount of revenue from prescription drugs based on cannabis medicine.' 


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High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer

'Groundbreaking new research on the cancer-fighting potential of vitamin C has made the pages of the peer-reviewed journal Science Translational Medicine. A team of researchers from the University of Kansas reportedly tested the effects of vitamin C given in high doses intravenously on a group of human subjects and found that it effectively eradicates cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact.'


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Guess What Kills One Person Every 19 Minutes?
ED Note: The stats in this article don't include OTC (over the counter) non-prescription drugs that also have their death tolls.

'When it comes “how you’re going to die,” many people fear things like airplane crashes or shark attacks, even though statistics show that deaths from these events are very rare. Conversely, far too many people mistakenly believe that certain common aspects of everyday life are extremely safe — when, in reality, this is often far from the truth.'


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Vaccine-Induced Tissue Scurvy Globally Misdiagnosed as Child Abuse

Tissue Scurvy 1
Photo Credit: vactruth

'The father of the child in our published photo was jailed for life for child abuse. Many of you looking at the terrible injuries on this small child will immediately assume, as did the doctors who examined him, that he was viciously attacked and it was right to jail his father.

However, what if I told you that it was later proven that this child had in fact been suffering from Kawasaki disease, otherwise known as tissue scurvy, and that his father was innocent?

Well, that is exactly what happened. Due to the wonderful work of Dr. Michael Innis and a team of experts brought in by the family to help, he is well and happy and back home with his family after his father was released from jail as an innocent man.'


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Heal Your Intestinal Tract Naturally


Photo Credit:AlignLife

'We’ve been taught to believe that bacteria is a bad thing, and we usually don’t think about the trillions of bacteria that should be living in our intestinal tracts.  

Intentionally swallowing down some more seems counter-intuitive, but the truth is that taking probiotics is one of the best interventions we can take to stay healthy or regain lost health.  

This is because the friendly bacteria living in our intestinal tract are the  foundation of our immune system.  They hold the keys to our very existence.'

A healthy intestinal tract depends on beautiful symbiosis'


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Royal Jelly: Anti-Diabetic Healing Gift from the Bee Hive

'You have probably heard, if the bees die, they are taking us with them. So many of the crops we depend on for our subsistence, thanks to the busy work of these remarkable creatures -- specifically, their inadvertent pollination of angiosperms, the plants that most of modern human civilization depend on for their daily nourishment -- depend on bees for their prolific food productivity.

All the more reason to appreciate what they provide to us. Honey, propolis, beeswax, and even their venom, we now know provide life-saving health benefits. But have you heard about the amazing health benefits of royal jelly?'


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Ginger, Could it be the Universal Medicine?
Photo Credit: Joyous Health

'Ginger, zingiber officinale, is thought to be perhaps the most used plant in the history of mankind.  The Sanskrit name for ginger is “vishwa bhesaj,” which means universal medicine.  Best known for treating indigestion and nausea, ginger can also act as a decongestant, and can help with poor circulation, arthritis and other cold weather imbalances

The History of Ginger

For over 4000 years, ginger has been used throughout the world as a culinary spice, specifically in India, China, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.  By the ninth century, ginger reached Rome and its use spread quickly to other areas in Europe.  It was popular in England as a spice used alongside salt and pepper.'


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Chocolate Lovers Lower Their Diabetes Risk

Chocolate Lovers Lower Their Diabetes Risk

'Attention chocolate lovers. Here's another good reason to indulge your chocolate addiction every day WITHOUT the guilt. Researchers have found that long-term consumption of chocolate is associated with a reduced diabetes risk.

Using data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Cohort study, researchers followed 7,802 participants for more than 13 years. ARIC is conducted and supported by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Participants aged 45–64 years are drawn from households in North Carolina, Minnesota, Maryland, and Mississippi.

Participants were examined every three years and completed food frequency questions on their chocolate consumption.'


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Want to Get Well Fast? Let Fever Kill Your Pathogens!

'Have you been influenced by modern allopathic medicine’s obsession with lowering fever? Ever since the turn of the 20th century, using drugs to lower fever has been standard operating procedure for most allopathic medical practitioners. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning was a common medical humor quip throughout the 1950′s.

Aspirin type medications may be needed for pain reduction, but when it comes to influenza of any type, taking an over the counter drug to reduce fever is not the way to go. This is because fever is one of the body’s main defenses against invading viruses. Suppressing fevers can increase rapid viral replication.'


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Fluoride combined with even trace amounts of aluminum in water can cause major brain damage

‘Renowned medical doctor and neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock holds nothing back when it comes to telling it like it is, even when “it” goes against the prevailing schools of thought within his profession. And one of his latest Blaylock Wellness Reports is no exception, shining light on the very real dangers associated with fluoride exposure, especially when that fluoride interacts with other toxic chemicals commonly found in municipal water supplies.'


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How Your Body Generates Electricity And The Benefits Of Grounding

'Your body is capable of generating electricity, and this ability is actually a key part of your achieving health. Electricity allows your nervous system to send signals to your brain. These signals are actually electrical charges that are delivered from cell to cell, allowing for nearly instantaneous communication.

The messages conducted via electrical signals in your body are responsible for controlling the rhythm of your heartbeat, the movement of blood around your body, and much more.

Your biological clock even uses electrical activity in order to help keep your circadian rhythms in order.1 You are, quite simply, an electrical being. If electrical activity stops in your body, you cannot survive. But how, exactly, does this electrical activity take place?'


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Why Is Dark Chocolate Good for You? Thank Your Microbes


'Dark chocolate might pack a double positive punch for our health—thanks to the microbes that live in our gut. New research suggests that beneficial bacteria that reside toward the end of our digestive tract ferment both the antioxidants and the fiber in cocoa.

In their deep-gut alchemy these microbes create anti-inflammatory compounds that have been linked to the cardiovascular and other benefits from dark chocolate consumption. 

The findings were presented March 18 at the American Chemical Society meeting in Dallas. Other new research helps explain how some of cocoa's widespread health benefits—from improving vascular function to increasing insulin sensitivity—may be linked—and good for even the young and the healthy.'


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Radical Remission! Amazing Research on People Who Heal Cancer

'Hey everyone, here’s an awesome new interview with my friend Dr. Kelly Turner, author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Her new book documents 10 years of research on people who have healed cancer without conventional treatment and/or after treatment has failed.

Sound like anyone you know?

In our interview we talk about how she ended up on this crazy mission ;) and the groundbreaking information she learned, including some of the key factors that all cancer healers have in common.

I am so excited about this book and our interview. And I know you’re gonna love it.'

Source: Chris Beat Cancer

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Welcome to “telemedicine”: spying on you at home

'In 1988, when I writing my first book, AIDS INC., I pointed out that medical ops would become superb population control enterprises. They claim to be politically neutral and, of course, humane.

Since then, many chickens have come home to roost in line with my prediction.

We now have “telemedicine,” and the health insurer Humana is in the lead.

Here is a major development. FOX 13 Tampa Bay reports:
Ernestine Marshall can’t even go to the bathroom without someone knowing.”'


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Hibiscus Extract Inhibits Obesity and Offers Liver Protection

'In the US, the hibiscus plant is most widely known for its beautiful flowers, but this plant actually offers unique health benefits that have been valued around the world since ancient times.

I used to have many of them but replaced them with fruit trees and berries, which are far more easily edible. However, I still enjoy hibiscus tea and regularly consume it from the far more convenient extracts.

When the petals of the hibiscus flower fall off, deeply colored red calyces (cup-like structures) grow into pods that resemble flower buds. These red calyces are used to make hibiscus extract and a brightly colored (and delicious) red hibiscus tea (sometimes called "sour tea").'


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Namasteak: The Food/Yoga Connection

Namasteak: The Food/Yoga Connection  

Photo Credit: GreenMedInfo

 'Most view food as the most important factor in getting or staying healthy. Of late, even the less nutritionally enlightened have begun to understand the importance of eating a clean, minimally processed, plant-emphatic diet.

And now, the critical mass - albeit reluctantly - consider the idea of moving daily as a lifestyle process that is necessary to fend off dis-ease and promote wellness. If yoga comes up in now commonplace discussions of how to lose weight/avoid illness/defy aging/heal injury, it is surely as the latter prescription....Yoga is not food. It's exercise. Right?

Are we missing an important connection? We are not seeing clearly the overlap in the 'Venn Diagram' that maps out our potential for optimum health and that makes yoga perhaps even more about food than about movement.'


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The Body's Natural State Is Health, Not Diseased As We've Been Led to Believe


'From the time we are conceived until the time we die, the cells in our bodies are endlessly working to maintain a natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium. When we turn to medicine or medical technology to manipulate our own body systems to heal us, we are really only facilitating our natural ability to heal from within. A diseased body is no coincidence and the natural state of every human being is health, not disease.'


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How Cannabis Can Save Cancer-Stricken Kids: An Introduction to 'Weed the People,' by Ricki Lake


Filmmaker Ricki Lake introduces her new documentary project, "Weed the People," which examines the medical usage of cannabis, particularly among families and children. Above, you can watch the exclusive trailer for the film, and below, read a Yahoo Movies guest column from Lake that breaks down the project. 
'I have never been a pot smoker. I have always been wary of marijuana because I considered it to be a drug with a potential for abuse, just like alcohol or pharmaceuticals. I've never been very interested in marijuana activism or supported the legalization movement. Yet, recently I've found myself meeting with growers in Santa Cruz, California, attending Drug Policy conferences in Washington, D.C., and hanging out with Snoop Dogg at "420" celebrations.

Like a growing number of people, a personal experience has opened my eyes and shown me the healing potential of this plant. Today, I am trying to produce a new film about cannabis (or cannabinoids for the Ph.D. types,) but first let me explain how all this reefer madness began.'

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Dr. Christina Sanchez Analyzes How THC Kills Cancer Cells

Weed - Dr. Christina Sanchez Analyzes How THC Kills Cancer Cells
Photo Credit:

'Meet Dr. Christina Sanchez, she is a molecular biologist at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, Spain. Dr. Sanchez is one of the pioneering scientist who discovered how THC (the primary psychoactive cannabinoid found in the marijuana plant) systematically wipes out cancer cells.

Dr. Sanchez’s research in conjunction with other’s work, like British scientist, Wai Liu, an oncologist at the University of London’s St. George’s medical school are proving that cancer has some new treatment possibilities, thanks to marijuana. Dr. Liu’s research points out how THC maintains some rather potent anti-cancer agents, which can significantly ‘target and switch off’ pathways that allow cancers to grow.'


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Medical Marijuana for Animals: A Case for Compassion

'Having an animal companion is one of the greatest joys in life, and supporting him or her through illness and the end of life can be one of the most difficult times. As human caregivers, we want to know that the treatments we are giving our animal companions are effective, humane, and causing more good than harm. 

Given that our animal friends may not be able to show us how they are feeling with complete accuracy, we are often left to make decisions about their medical treatments based on advice and good intentions.'


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How To Know If You Have a Sleep Disorder and Discover The Best Foods That Promote Sleep


'Sleep disorders are conditions that affect how much and how well you sleep. The causes range from poor habits that keep you awake to diagnosed conditions that disrupt your sleep cycle. strong evidence that one function of sleep is to help consolidate the effects of waking experience. 

If you don't feel rested in the mornings, one of many sleep disorders could be responsible. Insufficient sleep is a serious problem that poses a threat to your health and safety. Your sleep hygiene influences how much sleep you get and foods, vitamins, minerals and hormones all make a difference.'


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Why Treating your Symptoms is a Recipe for Disaster


'JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE TREATING your symptoms doesn’t mean you’re healthy. If you think your doctor is controlling your health problems because he or she has prescribed medication for them — well, you couldn’t be more wrong!

That’s because doctors are very well-trained to treat symptoms and diseases, but NOT to address the underlying imbalances that perpetuate illness.

The problem?

It’s like taking the batteries out of a smoke detector instead of trying to find the fire. On the other hand, I am always interested in ALL of someone’s symptoms, because they are the clues to deeper imbalances.  Once you find those deeper imbalances and correct them, the symptoms go away.

This approach is called systems medicine, because it looks at all parts of the body, not just one organ. Unfortunately, much of conventional medicine doesn’t work that way.'


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Soon Censored? Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer with Magnets

'The study is to be published in the journal Nature Materials. One must wonder how this form of therapy—one that does not, as of yet, line the pockets of Big Pharma—will develop in the world of traditional medicine. Drug manufacturers (literally) bank on perpetual sickness, and cancer drugs have shown time and again to worsen tumors.

But regardless of any potential alternative treatments, big pharma will continue to push these dangerous ‘solutions’ on the public. Even while numerous cancer-fighting foods like turmeric, ginger, garlic, papaya leaf extract, berries, and many more exist, the pharmaceutical industry and mainstream medicine won’t recognize these as solutions.'


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Marijuana Shows Promising Results in Successfully Managing Asthma Related Symptoms


'Asthma is one of the most ubiquitous chronic inflammatory diseases in the U.S., affecting an estimated 35 million people, and claiming the lives of 4,000 each year. The disease is typically caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, causing the chest to become tight and breathing fairly difficult. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing (especially at night), shortness of breath, and pain or pressure in the chest. While not every case of asthma is identical, the treatments for all cases are similar.'


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All About Honey: Raw, Wild, Manuka…What Kind is Best for Health?
Photo Credit:

'I grew up on a working organic farm in New England that included a small orchard with apple, pear, peach, and cherry trees. By working the land and following nature’s seasonal cycles, I learned the importance of pollination early in life. After the cold, long winters, fruit trees blossomed and honeybees went to work. From an early age, I developed a fondness for bees and later, when living in California, kept my own backyard apiary.

Honeybees are amazing. During the darkest hours of the new moon, I would get up in the middle of the night and put my ear against the wooden sides of a bee box to hear the symphony of thousands of bees humming together. I also learned the value of propolis, pollen, and honey for health and healing.' 


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'Evidence-Based' Medicine: A Coin's Flip Worth of Certainty

 Evidence-Based Medicine: A Coin's Flip Worth of Certainty
Photo Credit: GreenMedInfo

'What if 90% of the peer-reviewed clinical research, the holy grail of the conventional medical system, is exaggerated, or worse, completely false?

A seismic shift is occurring in the field of evidence-based medicine that a rare few are aware of, but which will (and likely already does) affect everyone, as the standard of medical care today largely follows from this model.

The very life's blood of 'evidence-based' medicine -- peer-reviewed and published clinical research results – which legitimizes the entire infrastructure and superstructure upon which conventional medical knowledge and practice is erected, has been revealed as mostly and patently false.'

Please read...

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Update on 80-year-old Stan Rutner's cancer cannabis cure while in hospice


'On November 18, 2013, an article reporting an amazing cannabis cure on a Californian approaching 80 years of age was published. The older gentleman's name is Stan Rutner. It was an amazing story because of Stan's condition.

The chemo and radiation were killing him and not doing much for his lung and brain cancers. He was wasting away, near death, and had to use bottled oxygen 24/7. Then, his son-in-law and daughter got Stan to try cannabis. The results were amazing.'


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Symptoms – The Subtle Language Of The Body

'Our world is full of subtleties that are often overlooked in the rush of modern life. Oftentimes we see what is most evident and believe that to be all there is – we miss the web of more subtle events and objects that accompany the obvious but are hidden to the casual observer. We are satisfied that the easily observable is the extent of what is, and we fail to look “behind the scenes”.

In most parts of life, this approach is sufficient – it allows us to function in the world without being mired in existential questions.

However, in medicine and in the appreciation of the disease process, I think this approach to life has led us far astray.   It has led us to see the obvious symptoms as the whole of the disease. This has led to the conclusion that if we suppress the expression of symptoms, then we have taken care of the disease.'


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