Cannabis Cures Cancer: Take Five Leaves and Pray

[Sharon Letts]

'The spider web-like mass found in my right breast the summer of 2012 had me thinking about my mom, the farm she was raised on, DDT, Malathion, Rachel Carson, and Cannabis – in that order.

I saw the configuration while proactively peeking over the shoulder of both the mammogram and ultra-sound technicians.

While waiting for the biopsy I decided to do some research, and in no time found an image of a nearly identical mass on the Mayo Clinic’s Web site, naming it, “Lobular Carcinoma.”

This type of cancer begins in the milk-producing glands of the breast, or lobules, affecting 10 to 15 percent of all women in the U.S. It’s a mass, not a lump, as with the ever popular Ductal Carcinoma, affecting up to 85 percent of women in this country.'


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