Archive for February 2015

Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments

‘Treating cancer is BIG business in America -- in fact, it's a $200 billion a year business. Yet 98 percent of conventional cancer treatments not only FAIL miserably, but are also almost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker.

What's worse: The powers are suppressing natural cancer cures that could help tens of thousands of people get well and live cancer free with little or no dependence on drugs, surgery and chemotherapy.’ 

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Study reveals new insight on the most important antioxidant we need: glutathione


Glutathione is called the master antioxidant because it can regenerate itself in the liver after each fill-up of free radicals and go back to work. Free radicals are often the byproduct of normal cellular metabolic oxidation and toxic overload, leading to autoimmune diseases, several cancers or heart attacks.

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Essiac A Modern Folk Remedy - FULL LENGTH

ED NOTE: There are many inferior herbal mixtures of Essiac Tea sold. This is my personal favorite. Fast turn-around and the exact herbs Rene Caisse used, not irradiated and organic or wild crafted. I am not an affiliate. This has been my Essiac Tea choice for some time. -

'At long last, the full-length version of this October 14, 2010 seminar given by Mali Klein, Essiac researcher and author of the companion book The Complete Essiac Essentials (softcover, 192 pages), is being made public. Together with her writing partner Sheila Snow, Mali has authored a total of four books on Rene Caisse and Essiac, that stand unparalleled as the most factual, accurate account of Rene Caisse's life and work. 

Mali shares practical information on how to grow and harvest the Essiac herbs and how to make and take the various Essiac formulas. 

Mali experienced Essiac's positive impact on her husband's quality of life as they journeyed together with his cancer diagnosis. She set up the UK Essiac charity, Clouds Trust, which has now been in operation for over 15 years. Enjoy this recording as Mali shares information and insights on how to live with a tough diagnosis and even be empowered by it!'

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Rick Simpson's Canadian Cancer Cures and the Rising Cannabis Oil Movement

'Cannabis oil and its variations have made mainstream news with its positive effects and cures on various diseases, including cancer, a disease that the medical establishment only complicates or worsens, often to the point of killing the patient. All with great expense to create financial burdens. 

Earlier this century, a small Canadian community's success with curing cancer naturally was crushed, forcing its provider into exile in Europe. Rick Simpson had discovered a cure for himself and then had shared it at no cost with others in the small town of Maccan, Nova Scotia.'

 Read more... 

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Something Terrible Was Done to Our Wheat in the 60′s and We’re Just Realizing it Now


'So how–and when–did this ancient grain become such a serious health threat? Author and preventive cardiologist William Davis, MD, says it’s when big agriculture stepped in decades ago to develop a higher-yielding crop. Today’s “wheat,” he says, isn’t even wheat, thanks to some of the most intense crossbreeding efforts ever seen.

 “The wheat products sold to you today are nothing like the wheat products of our grandmother’s age, very different from the wheat of the early 20th Century, and completely transformed from the wheat of the Bible and earlier,” he says.'


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The 10 Best Stress Relieving Foods

 What it Feels like to be Stressed Out!

'Feeling stressed? Get some exercise! It’s one of nature’s most underutilized activities and perhaps one of the most effective and natural stress reducers. Studies consistently indicate that exercise is a helpful tool for alleviating stress and improving overall mood.  

However, exercise is only one component of a healthy lifestyle. Your diet also plays an important role in how your body reacts to stress. While a general healthy diet devoid of processed foods is ideal for promoting good health, some foods are better than others in the way they combat stress. Here are the top 10 best stress-relieving foods that can easily be incorporated into any diet.' 


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Medical Errors Kill Enough People to Fill 4 Jumbo Jets a Week. - 7 Tips on Surviving The Medical Industrial Complex

Medical Errors Kill Enough People to Fill 4 Jumbo Jets a Week. - 7 Tips on Surviving The Medical Industrial Complex.

"When there is a plane crash in the U.S., even a minor one, it makes headlines. There is a thorough federal investigation, and the tragedy often yields important lessons for the aviation industry. Pilots and airlines thus learn how to do their jobs more safely.

The world of American medicine is far deadlier: Medical mistakes kill enough people each week to fill four jumbo jets. But these mistakes go largely unnoticed by the world at large, and the medical community rarely learns from them." The WSJ goes to the say in their excellent article titled "How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us."

With 200,000 - 400,000 deaths per annum Medical Errors are now the 3rd leading cause of death right behind Heart disease with 597,689 deaths per annum and Cancer with 574,743 deaths per annum.

But the CDC does not even mention Medical Errors in their report on the leading causes of death.' 


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Supposed ‘Medical Marijuana’ Measures In Alabama and Utah Are Anything But

'At a public signing ceremony today, Utah’s Republican Gov. Gary Herbert will  approve House Bill 105 — aka “Charlee’s Law.” The law, and others like it, ostensibly allows children with treatment-resistant pediatric epilepsy access to extracts of the marijuana plant high in the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD).

While some media outlets are reporting that the passage of these measures are akin to ‘ approving medical marijuana,’ such claims are far from accurate. 


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Proof of Medical Incompetence - When Doctors Go On Strike Or Stop Practicing, Patients Stop Dying


'The most comprehensive review of the medical impact of doctors' strikes is published in the prestigious academic journal Social Science and Medicine. A team lead by Solveig Cunningham and Salim Yusuf at Emory and Georgetown Universities in the USA. and McMaster University in Canada, analysed five physician strikes around the world, all between 1976 and 2003. What they found was nothing short of a testament to the failure of the medical system.' 


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What Most Doctors Won't Tell You About Colds and Flus

'The next time you experience a cold or the flu, remember this: rather than take conventional drugs to suppress uncomfortable symptoms, it's better for your health to allow the cold or flu to run its course while you get plenty of physical and emotional rest. 

Conventional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry would have you believe that there is no "cure" for the common cold, that you should protect yourself against the flu with a vaccine that is laden with toxic chemicals, and that during the midst of a cold or flu, it is favorable to ease your discomfort with a variety of medications that can suppress your symptoms.

Unfortunately, all three of these positions indicate a lack of understanding of what colds and flues really are, and what they do for your body.'


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California: A Geoengineered Dust Bowl


'Since November of 2013, the beginning of the rainfall season, California residents have experienced heavy geoengineering and chemtrail activity almost every day, which has transformed the Golden State, normally an agricultural miracle, into an arid dust bowl.

The sun is out daily, temperatures are well above normal, yet the sky is grey, the horizon is silver, and you often cannot see mountains that are only a few miles away (grey-out). The local weather forecasters say that the forecast is sunny “hazy” or with “high clouds”, which is their (NASA/NOAA)
way of saying chemtrails.'


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17 Sensational Spring Superfoods

'It’s officially spring!

That means it’s time to stop with soup and break out salads — shed your clothes, and shed pounds, Bonnie Taub-Dix, R.D., a nutrition expert in New York City and the author of Read It Before You Eat It, told

To help celebrate the season, we rounded up spring’s top produce picks — the in-season foods that not only taste great, but also are bursting with health benefits.

Eating seasonally has other perks, too. “In terms of cost, when foods are more abundant, they could [be] less expensive,” Taub-Dix said. If your seasonal produce is local, too, that can also aid your health and the planet.'


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Get Inexpensive Omega 3 Protection with Chia Seeds

 chia seed

'Omega 3 is one of the essential fatty acids we need in our diets on a daily basis. Essential means we have to obtain that nutrient from outside sources because our bodies don’t manufacture enough. But most Western diets are nutritionally deficient in omega 3 fatty acids.  So the question becomes how to get enough omega 3 without breaking the bank.

Omega 3 from chia seeds contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a fatty acid that is important for brain and nerve tissue, and critical for good heart health. Omega 3 ALA deficiency is associated with degenerative diseases including cancer, and immune dysfunction.'


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Regular And Decaf Coffee Both Lower Diabetes Risk

Regular And Decaf Coffee Both Lower Diabetes Risk

'Lots of studies have looked at the question of whether coffee drinkers are less likely to develop diabetes. The short answer is yes they are.

But the question remains, why does coffee seem to lower diabetes risk? Is it the caffeine?

Researchers from Harvard wanted to know the answer. They conducted a meta-analysis of 28 prospective studies of coffee with 1,109,272 participants. Follow-up ranged from 10 months to 20 years.

Their results published in the American Diabetes Association journal Diabetes Care confirmed that drinking coffee was inversely associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. And it's dose dependent. The more you drink, the lower the risk. For one cup a day the relative risk dropped to 92%; for three cups a day, to 79%; and for six cups a day it dropped to 67%.' 


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A Change of View: “Cannabis Oil Saved My Mother’s Life”

Elderly Oil
Photo Credit:

'My mother is 92 years old. In her forties she developed rheumatoid arthritis in her legs. She also has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Then she got cancer.

I look after my mother and this is her journey.

She has lived with me since she lost my father 13 years ago. When she was in her forties she developed rheumatoid arthritis in her legs and also swelling around her knees. In her sixties the arthritis went into her lungs and she was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 

Slowly her condition deteriorated and she had to go on oxygen. As the years went by her oxygen intake had to be raised from 2 to 3 litres. She was unable to walk a couple of yards without stopping to get her breath and would need to sit for 5 minutes before she was able to speak. Even if she caught a common cold she would have to take antibiotics as it would have weakened her enough to kill her. Because of the arthritis she fell over regularly, it was very worrying and she was always covered in bruises.'


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Brazil Nuts are Best Source of Cancer Fighting Selenium


'Rich, creamy Brazil nuts are the best source of selenium, the mineral that works with zinc to prevent breast cancer. A recent study at the University of Otago in New Zealand found that eating just two Brazil nuts a day is as effective in increasing selenium and boosting glutathione as taking a selenium supplement. And eating Brazil nuts brings many other benefits not found in selenium supplements.'


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Revolutionary Approach Using Morphogenic Healing Fields to Treat Burns Remotely

'A global grassroots Burn Eradication Project called is proving, for the first time, that mainstream scientific methodology can be used via the unified field and the existence of a higher reality, that can be accessed, processed and manifested for our benefit in times of crisis. It's all free and a humanitarian effort.'


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Are Millions of Americans Being Poisoned by Their Own Dental Fillings?

Photo Credit: AlterNet

"I was pretty much housebound for a couple years,” she recalls. “I just didn't have the strength to leave the house by myself. I was able to keep my house fragrance-free but I had trouble being in a crowd, like on a bus or in an audience where you're sitting next to people because so many people wear fragrances. Or walking on the streets, the car exhaust would be overpowering."

A friend suggested her problem might be mercury exposure from her dental fillings, but she dismissed the idea. After all, her neurologist had already tested her blood for mercury and did not find anything to worry about. 


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Marijuana Medicine's Near-Miraculous Healing Powers Require the Whole Plant—Not Just One Oil Extract
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'Ever since marijuana was banned by the federal government in the 1930s, proponents of prohibition have insisted that cannabis must remain illegal to protect America’s children. “Protecting the children” continues to be the calculated cornerstone of anti-marijuana propaganda, the cynical centerpiece of the war on drugs.

How ironic, then, that today thousands of families in the United States are desperately seeking cannabis remedies to protect their children from deadly diseases. The erstwhile “Assassin of Youth” has become the savior for kids with catastrophic seizure disorders and other life-threatening conditions.'


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Flight Attendants Confess To 8 Ways Your Health Is Being Jeopardized On Airplanes

'A group of flight attendants as well as investigations by the EPA have exposed shocking revelations regarding the health dangers in the skies courtesy of most major airlines. The information should make you think twice before having that cup of coffee, using their pillows, headsets or even washing your hands in the lavatory.'


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Peaches for Prevention and Halting Cancer Growth

Photo Credit: Health Freedom Aliance

'Can we just hang up our hats and admit that every fruit is a superfruit? It turns out peaches are beyond amazing.

A Washington State University food scientist and colleagues at Texas A&M have found that compounds in peaches can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells and their ability to spread. They are emphasizing good nutrition for preventing cancer.

Compelling research in Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, showed that the compounds could be recommended as a novel addition to therapies that reduce the risk of metastasis, or spread. But it doesn’t have to come from a compound or supplement.

Just two to three peaches a day, which could easily be achieved with a juicer, blender or blaster - have an astounding effect.'


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Pine Pollen Nature’s Testosterone Booster (Women use as well)

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'Pine pollen powder has been used extensively in traditional cultures throughout Asia. The earliest mention of pine tree pollen's medicinal use is in Chinese herbalism from the classic text "The Pandects of Materia Medica" by Shen Nong. The benefits of pine pollen have also been used by the Koreans where it is sold in boxes much like baking soda or other baking ingredients. It is used in food for it's amazing mineralization and adaptogenic properties.

To date there is no information about pine pollen powder's history of use in Western herbalism, Native American herbalism or Ayurvedic herbalism. All of these systems have used pine nuts medicinally (which are mildly androgenic) and Native American herbalism uses the inner bark of pine trees as a food and medicine as well.' 


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“Why You Should Fire Your Medical Doctor:” Peter Glidden

“We are all deeply embedded in the myth that the MD is the king of medicine and that the therapeutics delivered by the MD are the only valid treatment….”

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How to Reduce Risk of Elbow and Wrist Injuries

'Being a chiropractor, acupuncturist, and a certified tennis nut, over the years, I've found that a few specific stretches and massaging techniques can reduce risk of elbow and wrist injuries. Most of the top pros, most notably Murray and Nadal, bring their own physios with them on the road to do this work for them, but it's easily done on your own with some know-how. 

Most of the muscles that make up the front and back of your forearms originate as tendons that are firmly embedded in a portion of bone in your elbow region. These tendons become muscles that span most of the length of your forearms, and in your wrist area, these muscles transition back to being tendons, which insert into one of the bones that make up your hand. 

Every time you flex or extend your wrist, these forearm muscles contract or stretch, putting stress on their origin and insertion points in your elbow and wrist areas.' 


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Spring Cleaning, the Non-Toxic Way

'Spring is right around the corner, and as the weather warms up, it’s the perfect time for the age old ritual of spring cleaning your home. The featured video also gives several pointers for “dusting off” your health and fitness routines, to demarcate a fresh start.

In this article, I’ll focus on spring cleaning your home, as this is an area where many unwittingly introduce more unnecessary toxins into their lives.

The typical American home contains about three to 10 gallons of toxic materials1 in the form of household cleaning products. Indeed, the very things you use to clean your house are actually among the primary sources of toxins and indoor air pollution you expose yourself to on a regular basis.' 


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Scientists Probe Dark Chocolate's Health Secrets

By Dr. Mercola

'The health benefits of dark chocolate are all the rage right now, with increasing numbers of studies pointing to its rich concentrations of beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols.

This applies particularly to dark chocolate because it contains a higher concentration of cacao seeds than milk chocolate, and therein lies the secret to its health-promoting powers.' 


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